Finding your niche is key to your entire online business. All future actions in your business will go around that niche.
If you still think that you can easily make fortune out of the internet, then you may miss the big picture of it unless you are aware of the things you should ask yourself and give your answer before you build your internet business.
You should understand that building an internet business is different from making money from the internet. There are many opportunities to make money online other than building a business.
Even as an affiliate, if you want to make a serious living online it is important to build it like a business. Finding your niche is the way to do it.
Join affiliate programs. Find people who sell products related to your market niche and who have affiliate programs already set up. You will earn commissions just by selling other people’s items. A good place to find affiliate programs on products is Clickbank and JVzoo.
The question is, how do you find the right niche.
For each possibility you should ask yourself; “is this in accordance with my passion”, “Can I work this out for years to come”.
Just browsing around the web is not the right way to find your niche. There are the big niches like, weight loss, marketing, home business, ect..
To find your way in that broad landscape the task will be to hard. Therefore you better look for sub-niches like; weight loss exercises, food for weight loss, writing for marketing, ect..
Niche marketing means focusing on developing products for a targeted audience where there is less competition from larger businesses.
Another reason for niche websites is because you want to get listed in the top 100 sites on any particular search engine. By making a website based around a highly focused niche you reduce considerably the number of competitors that you have. This makes it easier to rank well in the search engines (first 3 pages, or top 100 sites).
The first step in this kind of business is always keyword research. You see it is a must to start the research as early as possible.
To explore this sub-niches I use keyword tools.
Power suggest is a keyword tool that gives to with click of a button a list of niche keyword phrases, together with how these keywords behave in the search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Youtube and Amazone). You can save the suggested keywords in a notepad to use in the next tools for further investigation.
Some of the features:
- Extract keyword suggestions from 6 major search engines
- Discover profitable keywords other tools can’t see at all
- Find more low-competition long tail keywords than ever
- Understand the desires and needs of any target audience
- Find untapped and poorly serviced niches in any market
- Target your search to a specific country (>210 countries)
- Search for keywords in more than 15 major languages
Addons for the FireFox browser:
SEOquake is the tool to examine the competition. It gives for each website the Google Ranking, Backlinks, Bing Index and much more.
It will give you an idea how big the competition will. How hard will it be to rank for that sub-niche.
Keywords Everywhere gives you how many keywords have been searched. With this information you see if there is a human market for the sub-niche.
Keep the gained information by the hand, you gonna need it the next steps building your business. It takes some time to do the research properly, but it more than worth it.